Thursday, February 17, 2011

Life as a Working Woman

Staying on top of my classes, making progress at my internship, planning trips left and right, hopping from one country to the next, and now COOKING Spanish meals…If I didn’t know any better, I’d think I was transforming into Superwoman.
Haha, I joke.
Yet another week has passed here in Sevilla and I’ve accomplished so much.  Tuesday was my first day at Vorsevi, the engineering/consulting firm I’m interning with for the next ten weeks.  It was quite an eventful day (it had to be, I’m dedicating an entire post to it).  So, Monday night began the most random rainstorm Sevilla’s experienced in February.  The rain continued to pour into Tuesday morning. As luck would have it, I was running late getting out of the house…and forgot my umbrella at home. I tried to maintain a brisk walk to the bus stop, but miserably failed as I nearly slipped in my heels. Got to the bus stop okay…but literally five seconds short of making the 8:30AM bus.  So I waited, and continued to get soaked. 8:36AM, finally another route C2 bus showed up and I was on my way to La Isla de Cartuja (aka: Silicon Valley, where my company is located). 
Forty some minutes later, we were on the island, and I got off at the first stop…unfamiliar with the location.  Luckily, LD got off at the same stop and it took us a few seconds to realize we were not where we were supposed to be.  After looking at a map, it became clear to us that we got off two stops earlier than we should have. Oops.
The two of us must have looked ridiculous to anyone watching, as we used our jackets to cover our heads and nice business attire.   After crossing streets named after some of history’s greatest – Leonardo Da Vinci and Marie Curie – I found Sir Issac Newtown and bid LD good luck on her first day. 
Entering into the office, I was greeted by two confused secretaries who stared at my wet appearance (probably thinking…ayyy Americana Loca).  My boss was traveling that day, so a nice co-worker, Leo, introduced me to the team I was working with. I was then taken into the “Jefe Chamber” where the top four BOSSES of the company worked.  As I stuck out my hand to greet the first man, he leaned in for a kiss on the cheek. I hesitated, oops (I STILL haven’t gotten used to the whole kiss on the cheek business yet, I’m getting better I promise). Leo then took me to my desk which had a computer and a cute little notebook ready for me.

The team had breakfast together, I was explained my first assignment and just like that I hit the ground running.  I’m pretty much responsible for analyzing the Latin American market to see if Vorsevi should expand its business in that area. After I’ve deemed Ecuador, Chile, Brazil and Colombia okay for business, I must find projects that Vorsevi can bid on this year. Interesting assignment, I’m learning a lot.
Aside from work and school, I’m trying to immerse myself in the Sevillian culture by taking free Salsa classes and cooking lessons offered through our program.

Toodles until Sunday! I'm off to Madrid for the weekend!

1 comment:

  1. ok so this is the first time i looked at this... n can just say im like 1000000000000000000000 x jealous... your life seems pretty unreal to me. it seriously sounds like something in the books or a movie...
    This is big, congrats :) wish i could have experienced something like it but nursing doesnt have time 4 it ha!
    Hope it all just gets better from here 4 u!
    Take care and stay safe
