Don’t worry, we’ve still got gravity.
I’m referring to the reality of school kicking into gear.
The first few days in Sevilla were all fun and games. Friends were made, historical sites were visited and much dancing took place. However, the past week has been taxing for all the students in my program. We were all required to take an Intensive Spanish for Business course for the first ten days, to get acclimated to common business terms used during lectures. For the last four days, my colleagues and I have been cooped up in our rooms/study areas (with the exception of last night’s Sevilla vs. Real Madrid futbol game) memorizing a plethora of words, practicing correct Spanish grammar and paying close attention to the words rapidly spoken by Sevillanos.
Tomorrow’s midterm exam (worth 30% of our grade) will consist of oral, written, comprehension, grammar, numeric and vocabulary sections, lasting close to two hours. For this reason, this entry is much shorter than the rest…as the complexities of Spanish prepositions stare me right in the face.
Never fear, I’ll update you all on the well deserved celebraciones (celebrations) that will take place tomorrow night, after an arduous week of completing worksheets and making flashcards.
Hasta Mañana! (Until Tomorrow)
Miss you and good luck